Talking With Your Young Child About Good Friday

As a parent, talking about certain topics of faith and biblical events with your child can sometimes be challenging. When it comes to Good Friday, discussing the significance of the day can be particularly difficult. However, it’s important to have these conversations with your child, so they can understand the meaning behind the day and its importance to our faith.

Maybe you feel like you just want to skip to Easter Sunday and get to the happy ending part. While I think it’s natural to want to spare our kids the tragedy of the Good Friday story, when we shelter them from it, we keep from them one of the most profound and powerful messages of their faith.

We don’t want to raise sheltered and naïve children, but we do want to protect them. So while I don’t know exactly at what age or how you should talk with your littles about the Crucifixion, here are a few things to consider:

  1. Keep It Age-appropriate

Depending on your child’s age, you may need to simplify your explanation of Good Friday. Use language that your child can understand and avoid getting into too much detail if it’s not appropriate for their age.

  1. Explain The Historical Context

Explain that it’s a holiday that helps us remember and celebrate the crucifixion of Jesus. Talk about the events leading up to his crucifixion, including his arrest, trial, and eventual execution. Our Saddleback Kids Team has an amazing video on their YouTube channel that you may want to watch with your child. CLICK HERE and watch from 10:28 to 14:32 for the Good Friday story.

  1. Talk About The Significance

Discuss why Good Friday is an important holiday for Christians. Explain that it’s a time for reflection and remembrance, and that it marks the sacrifice that Jesus made for humanity.

  1. Answer Questions Honestly

Your child may have questions about Good Friday that you don’t know the answer to. If this happens, be honest and tell them that you don’t know the answer, but that you can look it up together. It’s okay to admit when you don’t know something, and it can be a good opportunity for you to learn together.

  1. Emphasize Empathy

Use Good Friday as an opportunity to talk to your child about empathy and compassion. Explain that Jesus suffered and died on the cross in order to save humanity, and that this act of selflessness is an example of the kind of love and compassion that we should all strive to embody.

  1. Encourage Reflection

Encourage your child to reflect on the meaning of Good Friday and what it means to them personally. Ask them what they think about the holiday and if they have any questions or concerns. This can be a great way to open up a dialogue and get your child thinking about their own beliefs and values.

Talking about Good Friday with your child may seem daunting, but it’s an important conversation to have. Helping your child understand the significance of Good Friday is an important part of them owning their faith.


  • Chris married his beautiful bride, Tina, in 1990. They have three wonderful adult children, Jacob, Kaylee, and Macie Joy. Chris began pastoring at a church in Los Angeles in 1995 where he was the Children’s and Student Pastor. He was the Executive Pastor of Student Ministries at John Maxwell's church in South Florida before he came to Saddleback in 2008 as our Pastor to 20s/30s. He has since served as Singles Pastor, Small Groups Pastor, Marriages Pastor, and Parents Pastor. He is currently our Extensions Pastor, leading the charge for Saddleback Church start-ups across the US and world. He earned his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Biblical Studies and his Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership.

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