Responding To God’s Voice – A Parent’s Perspective

Experiencing God is an important part of our faith journey.  But in our busy digital world it is something that doesn’t come easily for many.

The book, Faith For Exiles (5 Ways for a New Generation to Follow Jesus In Digital Babylon, by David Kinnaman and Mark Matlock) says:

“Hearing from God is also one of the defining characteristics of exiles in the Bible. 

We must help this emerging generation hear and respond to the voice of Jesus in their lives.

Let’s commit ourselves to helping young people develop a theology and a practice of hearing from, listening to, and talking with God.”…

“Christians from around the planet experience God in their lives.  We need to tell these stories of modern-day faith at every turn, from pulpits and in Bible studies but also through social media and in our conversations and every time we think of them. 

Learning to be led by the Holy Spirit has been a  process for me. SO many times through the years when I have felt that nudge, I would immediately think “that is ridiculous”, “that person doesn’t need my encouragement”, “I can’t do that, I’m not qualified”, “that can’t possibly be, they would never struggle with that, they don’t need my help”.

It took a lot of circumstances where I wouldn’t act or respond to that prompting because I couldn’t logically see it or understand it.  To later find out, even though I couldn’t understand it with my own knowledge, it was in fact true and that person actually needed someone.

And every time I came to that realization that I dismissed God’s voice, it was a punch to the gut.  I missed it, I could have and I didn’t…I failed and I disobeyed because I second guessed that small voice inside of me.

By the grace of God, in the last handful of years, I have grown in courage and have decided that no matter how ridiculous that prompting may seem, I will just put myself out there.  I am more willing to be embarrassed or look stupid.

I will at least explore the possibility and if I mis-hear or mis-understand then that is ok.  The more I just say “Lord, is that you?  Ok, I’m going to send that text, extend that invite, or put myself out there”, I am learning how to greater discern the voice of God.

About 6 months ago, I was at home in a quiet moment.  I wasn’t intentionally praying, or reading my bible, or anything extraordinary.  I was simply writing cards.  In that quietness it was like this idea hit me.  I don’t know any other way to explain it.  It wasn’t slow or was something that was this strong and sudden thought and feeling.

It was something that felt ridiculous, so I tried to brush it off, but it grew in my spirit.  This was so strong that I stopped what I was doing and sent a text and asked to speak with my ministry leader, Pastor Julia Alvarez.  A short time later we got on a call and I told her what I felt the Holy Spirit leading me to share.  She responded by asking me what time this happened to me.  When I told her, she responded by sharing that her and another staff member were praying at that exact time for this exact thing.

I was just in awe.  It was such a powerful moment and lesson for me.  I mean, seriously when does that happen?  Let me speak for myself, this has never happened in this way to me before.  To be able to pinpoint that a person was praying for something at the exact time I am feeling prompted by the Spirit… that is a tremendous gift and encouragement from the Lord.

And I almost missed it, because my FIRST response was “this is ridiculous”.  Not “Holy Spirit I hear you, I’m yours, send me.”.  So yes, I am still VERY MUCH learning how to have that soft heart that is sensitive to the leading of the Spirit.  I know I will continue to be on this journey, but my soul has been greatly encouraged.

Brothers and sisters, in the words of David Kinnaman from Faith For Exiles, “Let’s commit ourselves to helping young people develop a theology and a practice of hearing from, listening to, and talking with God.”  

Acts 1:8  “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

My prayer for you today is that you would share your stories and be witnesses to God’s great love.  I pray that you would step boldly with courage and confidence as the Holy Spirit leads you.  God bless you!


  • Sarah has been walking with the Lord for almost 30 years. She came to know Jesus as her Lord and Savior at Saddleback Church in High School. She is passionate about fulfilling the purpose God has for her life. Sarah has worked with children and youth in some capacity for most of her life. She grew up babysitting for many families, and through the years has volunteered in the Children’s, Junior High, and High School Ministries. As a missionary in Ukraine, Sarah helped to lead a children’s ministry at a small church. When returning from the mission field, Sarah was called to a full-time staff position on the Children’s Ministry Team at Saddleback Church. That was followed by indirectly working with children while on staff at Jana Alayra Music. In most recent years, it has been the greatest joy and privilege of Sarah’s life to be on the mission field of momhood, as a full-time stay-at-home mom, supporting and serving her family. Sarah has been married to her husband Slavic for 22 years, and they live in Mission Viejo, CA with their two children, Baron and Sophia.

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