Living In The In-between – A Parent’s Perspective

Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Matthew 6:10

We live in a broken world with pain and suffering.  We live among sinners, and we ourselves, no matter how much we are surrendered to God, find ourselves over and over again missing the mark. 

With that, WHEN we keep our eyes and hearts wide open there are very special times when we have the opportunity to see and experience on this earth a piece of Heaven… a taste of the beauty, majesty, grace, and the wholeness of His Kingdom.  A moment where we have the tremendous blessing and honor to witness breakthrough, healing, restoration, and miraculous intervention by our Heavenly Father.

There is a song by David Crowder called Back To the Garden and the lyrics say “I was born to be royal, I was made to be free, but I was torn from the garden, when that devil lied to me…I was formed from the soil, I got dirt inside of me…I was made for glory…take me back to the garden, take me back and walk with me…. for your presence I am longing…God take me back…Holy Ghost come set me free…”

Our souls LONG for what once was in The Garden, and what will be, in Heaven!  A home where we take our place under the reign of our Heavenly Father, King Jesus.  For now, we are in the in-between.

Intertwined with every action throughout our day…every relationship, hurt, wound, and trauma, every part of our body is desperate and thirsts for what ONLY our Lord can quench.  Yet, we struggle to change.  We continue to go back to our old ways.  Our bodies and souls seem to be in a continual war in the brokenness that we live in.  

I believe there is a way to freedom, and there is a way to healing, but it is likely going to take a lot of hard work and patience.  It will take the willingness to look at ourselves honestly, and to search our WHOLE self.

When the bible refers to the heart, mind & soul, I believe that references the ENTIRE body.  Everything in our bodies are all intricately interconnected.  To understand why we are having a physical response to stress and anxiety, usually doesn’t come with easy answers or easy fixes.

To figure out what is causing or triggering these responses is critical.  To allow ourselves the time to process, grieve and heal can be the first steps in making a change.  Scientists have found through research that the complexity of our bodies and the events that contribute to our mental and emotional response can go far beyond what has even happened in our individual lifetime.

Research shows that for some of us, we have evidence of trauma that has been passed down through generations and has contributed to the rewriting of our DNA.  We can change the story for ourselves and the next generations as we seek help, recognize our own story, allow ourselves to grieve, heal and step closer in alignment with who God created us to be.  

You are chosen (Deuteronomy 7:6)

You are Child of God (1 John 3:1)

You are redeemed (Ephesians 1:7)

You are enough (Ephesians 2:10)

You are free (Galatians 5:1)

You are a heir to the King (Romans 8:16-17)

“I was born to be royal and I was made to be free.”  We are on a journey to find our way back home.  That journey will continue for all of our days as we walk on this side of Heaven.  But freedom comes when we do that WITH JESUS, until the day He calls us to our forever home.

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.” 

Revelation 4:8  

Brothers and sisters in Christ, you are not alone, we are on this journey together.  We must press on!  I am praying that your soul will be encouraged today!  May God pour His blessings over you and may you experience His Kingdom on earth, as it is in Heaven.  In Jesus Name.


  • Sarah has been walking with the Lord for almost 30 years. She came to know Jesus as her Lord and Savior at Saddleback Church in High School. She is passionate about fulfilling the purpose God has for her life. Sarah has worked with children and youth in some capacity for most of her life. She grew up babysitting for many families, and through the years has volunteered in the Children’s, Junior High, and High School Ministries. As a missionary in Ukraine, Sarah helped to lead a children’s ministry at a small church. When returning from the mission field, Sarah was called to a full-time staff position on the Children’s Ministry Team at Saddleback Church. That was followed by indirectly working with children while on staff at Jana Alayra Music. In most recent years, it has been the greatest joy and privilege of Sarah’s life to be on the mission field of momhood, as a full-time stay-at-home mom, supporting and serving her family. Sarah has been married to her husband Slavic for 22 years, and they live in Mission Viejo, CA with their two children, Baron and Sophia.

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